Kinderneurologische Praxis
Dr. med. Silvano Vella-Eicher

Lindenhofspital / Sahlihaus
Bremgartenstrasse 115
Postfach, 3001 Bern



Stand August 2019


  1. Vella, S., Steiner, F., Schlumbom, V., Zurbrügg, R., Wiesmann, U.N., Schaffner, T., Wermuth, B. Mutation of ornithine transcarbamylase (H136R) in a girl with severe intermittent orotic aciduria but normal enzyme activity. J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 1996, 19: 517-524
  2. Schibler, A., Birrer, P., Vella, S. PFAPA syndrome. Schw. Med. Wochenschr. 1997, 127: 1280-1284
  3. Vella S., Ramelli GP, Schroth G, Bianchetti MG. Circulating Antineutrophil Autoantibodies in a Child with Isolated Central Nervous System Vasculitis.
  4. Neuropediatrics 1999; 30: 268-269
  5. Nuyens MR, Vella S., Bassetti C, Caversaccio M, Häusler R. Objective efficiency of adenotonsillectomy in children. Praxis 1999; 88: 893-899
  6. Von Vigier R, Vella S., Bianchetti MG. Agitated Sleepwalking with Fluoroquinolone Therapy. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18: 484-485
  7. Ramelli GP, Vella S., Lövblad K, Remonda L, Vassella F. Swelling of the third nerve in a child with transient oculomotor paresis: a possible cause of ophthalmoplegic migraine. Neuropediatrics 2000; 31: 145-147
  8. Vella S.. Advanced therapy of headache. Europ J Paediatr Neurol 2000;4:196-197
  9. Bassetti C, Vella S., Donati F, , Wielepp P, Weder B,. Sleepwalking and SPECT.
  10. The Lancet 2000; 356: 484-485
  11. Vella S., Kreis R, Lovblad KO, Steinlin M. Acute leukoencephalopathy after inhalation of a single dose of heroin. Neuropediatrics. 2003;34(2):100-4
  12. Vella S., Ramming Ph. Neuropsychologie verlangt Interdisziplinarität. Psychologie und Erziehung 2005;31(1):21-24
  13. Vella S.. ADHD und Restless Legs. Unter uns – Bulletin der SRLS Selbsthilfegruppe 2/2005:5-6
  14. Vella S.. Absenzenepilepsie. Paediatrica 2005;16(6):59-62
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  15. Ramelli GP, Sozzo AB, Vella S., Bianchetti MG. Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus: An under-recognized, non-epileptic condition. Acta Paediatr 2005;94(7):962-3
  16. Vella S.. Melatonin – ein neues Allerheilmittel?. Forum News 2006, Frühjahrsheft: 24-25
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  17. Waters KA, Sitha S, O’Brian Louise, Bibby S, De Torres C, Vella S., De la Eva R. Follow-up on metabolic Markers in Children treated for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;174:455-460
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  18. Vella S.. Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom hat viele Gesichter. Paediatrica 2007;18(4):162-164
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  19. Casaulta C, Nelle M, Nuoffer JM, Pfammatter JP, Vella S., Sutter M. SID, SID-Geschwister und ALTE: Empfohlene Abklärungen und Indikationen für das Säuglingsmonitoring. Paediatrica 2007;18:12-18
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  20. Waters KA, Mast BT, Vella S. et al. Structural equation modelling of sleep apnea, inflammation, and metabolic dysfunction in children. J Sleep Res 2007;16:388-395
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  21. Cohen G, Vella S., Heather J, Lagercrantz H, Katz-Salamon M. Cardiovascular Stress Hyperreactivity in Babies of smoking mothers and in Babies born preterm. Circulation 2008;118:1848-1853
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  22. Datta AN, Vella S.. Der Schlaf des Kindes, Störungen und deren Abklärungen. Paediatrica 2009;20(5):19-29
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  23. Vella S., Hasselmann O. Schlafstörungen bei Kindern: somatische Ursachen. Schweiz Med Forum 2010;10(12):222-229
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  24. Vella S.. Fragen zu Melatonin. ADHS Aktuell 2011;29:5-7
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  25. Cohen G, Vella S., Jeffery H, Lagercrantz H, Katz-Salamon M. Positional circulatory control in the sleeping infant and toddler: role of the inner ear and arterial pulse pressure. J Physiol. 2012 Aug 1;590(Pt 15):3483-93
  26. Vella S. Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom, eine diagnostische und therapeutische Herausforderung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin 2019;19(3):194-199 (DOI:10.1055/a-0888-6086)



Vella, S., Bassetti, CL., Donati, F. Diagnostic delay in frontal lobe
epilepsy in children. Epilepsia, Vol. 40, Suppl.2, 1999, 238

Steinlin M, Vella S., Krauss J, Schroth G, Weis J. Near-fatal cerebellar swelling with favourable outcome caused by acute multifocal cerebellar necrosis. Eur J Ped Neurol 1999;3:A18

Ramelli GP, Vella S., Loevblad K, Remonda L, Vassella F. Transient oculomotor paresis due to swelling of the third nerve: a possible cause of ophthalmoplegic migraine. Eur J Ped Neurol 1999;3:A116

Donati F, Vella S., Wielepp P, Weder B, Bassetti C. Sleepwalking and SPECT studies. Eur J Ped Neurol 1999;3:A128

Vella, S., Ramelli, GP., Bianchetti, MG., Remonda, L., Vassella, F., Schroth, G. C-ANCA-positive cerebrale Vaskulitis im Kindesalter. Aktuelle Neuropädiatrie 1997. Novartis Pharma Verlag, Nürnberg 1998:287-89
Vella, S., Pichler, W., Bassetti, C.L. Idiopathic, isolated cataplexy in a DRB1*15 and DQB1*0602 negative child. J. Sleep Res. 1998, 7, Suppl. 2: 291

Vella, S., Donati, F., Schmid, G., Mathis, J. Postanoxic status myoclonicus. Epilepsia, 1998, 39, Suppl. 2: 83

Vella, S., Bassetti C., Vassella F. Schlafstörungen im Kindesalter. Festschrift, 2. Jahrestagung der Sächsischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin 1997: 15-19

Vella, S., Ramelli, G.P., Donati, F., Vassella, F. Childhood seizures and gender: variations in type of seizure, age at onset, duration of treatment until remission and familiarity of epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1997, 38, Suppl. 3: 271

Vella, S. Abklärung von Kinder mit Schlafstörungen. Inselbote (University of Bern Hospital Magazine), 1997, 2: 32-35

Ramelli, G.P., Donati, F., Vella, S., Vassella, F. Apneic attacks as isolated manifestation of epileptic fits in infants. Epilepsia, 1997, 38, Suppl. 3:118

Schuler, M., Donati, F., Vella, S., Ramelli, G.P., Vassella, F. School performance and social integration of epileptic children. Epilepsia, 1997, 38, Suppl. 3: 113.

Ramelli, G.P., Remonda, L., Baumgartner, R., Vella, S., Vassella, F., Schroth, G. Endovascular treatment of vertebral arteriovenous fistulas. Monatschr Kinderheilkd, 1996, 144: 993-994.

Vella, S., Ramelli, G.P., Remonda, L., Schroth, G., Vassella, F. Moyamoya-like cerebral vasculopathy in a 8 year old boy with reciprocal chorea-athetosis and hemiplegia. Monatschr Kinderheilkd, 1996, 144: 994.